Aug 23, 2017
Are you a"chucker"or a"bequeather"?
Letting go of things (and by things I mean "stuff") is not always easy. Dozens of books have been written on "How to declutter" to "Live...

Mar 28, 2017
3 low tech ways to "cold work" your fused glass jewellery
Making fused glass jewellery is a pleasure in many ways, but it also requires care, effort and elbow grease to finish our pieces well....

Mar 5, 2017
Right on the button....a social history of 20th Century Women as told through their clothing.
How many of us have an old button box or tin stashed away in the sewing cupboard, perhaps inherited from our mother, grandmother (or...

Feb 18, 2017
Jewellery puzzles and problem solving...
So what happens when you've drawn a design and decided on the materials you want to use? That's when the hard work really begins in...

Jan 12, 2017
Travelling back in time with enamelling!
What does the word "enamel" mean to you? Perhaps it reminds you of your Grandma's blue and white plates, or chipped antique baths, or...

Jan 11, 2017
Fatal attraction to dichroic colour!
For those of you who have not worked with fused glass you have yet to encounter the glories of dichroic glass! The word dichroic in its...