Mar 24, 2017
Frank-ly inspiring fabrics at the Fashion and Textile Museum
A gloriously colourful brand of modernism is currently on display at the Fashion and Textile Museum in Bermondsey, London. The working...

Mar 21, 2017
Finding your own voice, a journey of creative discovery
Being able to copy is one of the ways we learn in life, being original is another challenge altogether for the artist. Hasn't it all been...

Mar 11, 2017
Subconscious connections make collections
Creativity is a strange gift! Here at the Jewellery Boat, I can struggle to come up with ideas of how to develop my collection all day...

Mar 5, 2017
Right on the button....a social history of 20th Century Women as told through their clothing.
How many of us have an old button box or tin stashed away in the sewing cupboard, perhaps inherited from our mother, grandmother (or...

Mar 2, 2017
Emerging through the morning mists...
I am continuing to develop my new jewellery collection on the theme of "Gather- river - breath" and these are my latest pair of earrings,...

Feb 25, 2017
Engaging with colour
One of my pleasures in jewellery making is finding different ways of adding colour. Today I am featuring kiln enamel, the process of...

Feb 19, 2017
Beetle wings are beautiful things
During a recent fascinating visit to the Horniman Museum in Forest Hill, I encountered within their mahogany-framed display cases rows of...

Feb 18, 2017
Jewellery puzzles and problem solving...
So what happens when you've drawn a design and decided on the materials you want to use? That's when the hard work really begins in...

Feb 17, 2017
And I am a materials girl......
What inspires you to make and create things? Is it your surroundings? Colour combinations? The patterns, shapes or forms of nature?...

Feb 14, 2017
Setting a fragment of the past...
This is a fragment of blue and white china I picked up on the beach at Lyme Regis last year. It has a beautiful blue thistle-like flower...